I’ve been managing software teams for several years. Perhaps more importantly, I have worked for some excellent leaders and have had the opportunity to learn from their good (and bad) habits.
Because I haven’t written a line of .NET code in a few years now, that blogging well has kind of run dry. And sadly my team is not yet ready to openly share our platform externally, so I cannot blog about that either.
As a result, I thought it would be fun to start a series about leadership in software. Not just the kind of leadership expected of managers, but also individual developers and architects. I have no idea how frequently I’ll write something, however just having a continuum of content to contribute to when I have a spare moment will help liven this place back up again, I’m sure. Furthermore, one lesson that’s been imparted upon me over the years is that “writing is thinking”; so by writing this stuff down, I’m sure it will crystalize even further.
The series will be called “Software Leadership” because, after all, it’s about the software. I hope you enjoy.