Embarrassingly, I neglected to write about the oldest trick in the book in my last post: designing the producer/consumer data structure to reduce false sharing. As I’ve written about several times previously (e.g. see here), and more so in the book, false sharing can be deadly and ought to be avoided.
As a simple example, consider a program that merely increments a shared counter over and over again. If we give P threads their own separate counters, and ask them to increment the respective counter an equal number of times. Each thread can of course do this without synchronization, because the counters are distinct: no locks or even interlocked operations are necessary. Naively, one might expect that running P of them in parallel leads to no interference, and hence perfect parallelization. However, when I run a little benchmark on my 8-way machine, the numbers for increasing values of P tell a very different story:
1 = 22425789
2 = 42023726 (187%)
4 = 175828522 (784%)
8 = 333906288 (1489%)
It is clear that the throughput drops dramatically as P increases. The reason? Each counter, being only 8 bytes wide, shares a cache line with as many as 7 other counters – or 15 if we’re on a machine with 128 byte cache lines. A simple change to the counter’s layout, so that individual counters do not share the same cache line, will remedy the situation. The numbers improve dramatically. In fact, they remain constant no matter the value of P:
1 = 21914250
2 = 21900392 (100%)
4 = 21865781 (100%)
8 = 21934008 (100%)
This perfect scaling isn’t always possible due to memory bandwidth, but because we’re just incrementing a single counter per core this doesn’t manifest as a problem.
For what it’s worth, the machine I am running these tests on is an 8-way, dual-socket, quad-core. Pairs of cores share an L1 cache, and all cores in a socket share an L2 cache. So the pairs {0,1}, {2,3}, {4,5}, and {6,7} are each expected to have distinct L1 caches and the groups {0,1,2,3} and {4,5,6,7} are expect to have distinct L2 caches. The 2 number above is run with two threads affinitized such that they share the same L1 cache. If we force them apart, however, we get slightly different results:
2 = 42023726 (187%) -- same L1 cache
2 = 54706505 (244%) -- same L2 cache
2 = 75030977 (335%) -- separate sockets
As expected, the more distance in the cache hierarchy, the greater the slowdown due to the increased ping pong paths.
The specific results are of course unique to my machine, but nevertheless the conclusion is clear: reducing sharing leads to substantial performance gains, particularly with large numbers of threads hammering on the shared lines. Often more so than eliminating other sources of wasted cycles, like interlocked operations. Eliminating those sources is clearly important too, but it really is amazing how deadly and yet difficult to discover false sharing can be: few cases are as obvious as this one.
One aside is worth mentioning before winding down. When I first ran this experiment, I had done it two ways: (1) with fields of a shared object, then using StructLayout(LayoutKind=Explicit) to keep fields apart, and (2) with counters crammed into an array, which then contains padding elements to eliminate the false sharing. The former is shown above. If you try the latter, you may be surprised. The layout of arrays on the CLR is such that an array’s length resides before the first element. So unless you pad the first element of the array, all accesses will perform bounds checking that touches the first element’s line. Because this line is being mutated by the thread incrementing the first counter, terrible false sharing results. To solve this, we must pad the first element too.
For example, here are the array numbers with false sharing:
1 = 27366202
2 = 125264714 (458%)
4 = 1383953372 (7969%)
8 = 3136996731 (11463%)
Notice the P = 8 case is over 100x slower! Yowzas. After fixing things, with the first element padded, we again observe perfect scaling:
1 = 27393869
2 = 27465999 (100%)
4 = 27370901 (100%)
8 = 27408631 (100%)
Clearly false sharing is not merely a theoretical concern. In fact, during our Beta1 performance milestone in Parallel Extensions, most of our performance problems came down to stamping out false sharing in numerous places: the partitioning logic of parallel for loops, polling cancellation token flags, enumerators allocated at the beginning of a PLINQ query and constantly mutated during its execution, and even in our examples (e.g. see Herb’s matrix multiplication example), etc. It is terribly simple to make a mistake and, in a complicated system, terribly difficult to pinpoint the origin of what can be a truly crippling scalability bottleneck.
In the next post, we will go back and take a look at our single-producer / single-consumer buffer, and redesign it to have substantially better cache behavior.
For reference, here’s the basic program used for a lot of these tests:
// #define USE_ARRAY
#pragma warning disable 0169
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
class Program
const int P = 1;
class Counters
long[] m_longs;
internal Counters(int n) {
m_longs = new long[(n+1)*16];
m_longs = new long[n];
public void Increment(int i) {
#else // USE_ARRAY
struct Counters
public long a;
public long b;
public long c;
public long d;
public long e;
public long f;
public long g;
public long h;
static Counters s_c = new Counters();
#endif // USE_ARRAY
public static void Main(string[] args)
int p = int.Parse(args[0]);
const int iterations = int.MaxValue / 4;
ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Counters c = new Counters(p);
Thread[] ts = new Thread[p];
for (int i = 0; i < ts.Length; i++) {
int tid = i;
ts[i] = new Thread(delegate() {
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), new UIntPtr(1u << tid));
for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++)
switch (tid) {
case 0: s_c.a++; break;
case 1: s_c.b++; break;
case 2: s_c.c++; break;
case 3: s_c.d++; break;
case 4: s_c.e++; break;
case 5: s_c.f++; break;
case 6: s_c.g++; break;
case 7: s_c.h++; break;
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
foreach (Thread t in ts) t.Join();
static extern IntPtr GetCurrentThread();
static extern UIntPtr SetThreadAffinityMask(
IntPtr hThread, UIntPtr dwThreadAffinityMask);