When a Windows process shuts down, one of the very first things to happen is the killing of all but one thread. This sole remaining thread is then responsible for performing shutdown duties, both in kernel and in user mode, including executing the appropriate DLL_PROCESS_DETACH notifications for the DLLs loaded in the process. A great treatise on shutdown and the associated subtleties can be found on, of course, Chris Brumme’s weblog.
It’s entirely possible that at least one of those threads was executing under the protection of one or more critical sections when the shutdown was initiated. Since threads are killed in a fairly hostile manner (not like, say, asynchronous thread aborts which are at least a little less rude, even the so-called rude version of a thread abort), these critical sections will have been left in an acquired state. And any associated program state is apt to be left very inconsistent indeed. Worse, you might imagine that if the shutdown thread later needed to acquire one of those oprhaned critical sections, the shutdown process would deadlock.
Although that’s intuitively what you may expect to occur, the OS actually does something a little funny during shutdown to avoid this problem. It effectively ignores calls to kernel32!EnterCriticalSection and kernel32!LeaveCriticalSection. A call to enter a CRITICAL_SECTION will first check to see if it’s owned by another thread and, if it is, the section is automatically re-initialized before acquiring it. The result? If one of the previously killed threads, t0, held on to critical section A, for instance, and had partially modified some state protected by it just before the shutdown began, then the shutdown thread, t1, is permitted to freely “acquire” critical section A too, even though it was found as being officially owned by t0.
This means that code running during shutdown must tolerate any corrupt state that may have been left behind as a result. For obvious reasons, this is quite difficult. It’s especially difficult if you write some code that somebody believes they can call during shutdown without you having gone through that thoughts exercise. The multi-threaded CRT uses locks internally for malloc/free, for instance, and reportedly cannot reliably tolerate process exit code-paths, which means can’t even safely rely on memory allocation and freeing during process exit without spurious AVs, heap corruption, and other bad things. Other services are obviously apt to suffer from similar problems, particularly if they comprise of arbitrary application logic. You simply can’t rely on invariant safe-points holding at lock boundaries when a shutdown is in process.
Mutexes also enjoy this same “weakening” behavior, at least on Windows XP. This policy doesn’t, however, apply to waits on other kernel synchronization objects, like events and semaphores. If you rely on these during shutdown you’re just asking for a deadlock. Actually if you are regularly using any sort of synchronization in your DllMain—including acquiring critical sections and mutexes—you’re asking for loads of trouble. Shutdown callbacks run under the protection of the OS loader lock, demanding extreme care, but that’s another topic altogether.
Here is a sample VC++ program that shows off this behavior. We declare a bunch of code in the DllMain: process attach initializes a CRITICAL_SECTION and a mutex, and then detach attempts to acquire them. We then define an exported function, GetAndBlock, that acquires the synchronization objects and sleeps for a long time:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
HANDLE g_mutex;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (fdwReason) {
g_mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
printf("%x: Acquiring g_cs during shutdown...", GetCurrentThreadId());
printf("%x: Acquiring g_mutex during shutdown...", GetCurrentThreadId());
WaitForSingleObject(g_mutex, INFINITE);
return TRUE;
__declspec(dllexport) DWORD WINAPI GetAndBlock(LPVOID lpParameter)
// Acquire the mutual exclusion locks.
WaitForSingleObject(g_mutex, INFINITE);
printf("%x: g_cs and g_mutex acquired.\r\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
// And just wait for a little while...
SleepEx(25000, TRUE);
return 0;
And finally we have an EXE that just invokes GetAndBlock and initiates a process shutdown on separate threads. The result is that the shutdown thread acquires the synchronization objects which the GetAndBlock thread currently has ownership of. Post Windows 95, the shutdown thread is always the thread that initiated the shutdown, whereas before that it was (seemingly) chosen at random; so when run on a modern OS at least, this sample is guaranteed to demonstrate the desired behavior:
#include <windows.h>
DWORD WINAPI GetAndBlock(LPVOID lpParameter);
int main()
HANDLE hT1 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &GetAndBlock, NULL, 0, NULL);
SleepEx(100, TRUE);
The results of running are a little non-eventful:
664: g_cs and g_mutex acquired.
d18: Acquiring g_cs during shutdown...success.
d18: Acquiring g_mutex during shutdown...success.
As expected, no hangs occur. If you want to see what happens when a hang does happen, just replace CreateMutex with CreateEvent. It’s not pretty.
Update 10/17/2006: Thanks to Jan Kotas for pointing out that the multi-threaded CRT is actually not safe from the sort of issues I talk about in this article. I wasn’t able to get it to happen in a test program–one of the great things about repro’ing race conditions :)–but have fixed that part up.