[Update - 8/22/06 - fixed typos and paid homage to VSTS 2005’s code analysis which checks for this problem.]
From the department of Spolsky’s Law of Leaky Abstractions, we turn today to accidental lock conflicts across AppDomain boundaries.
The CLR supports various cross-AppDomain marshaling mechanisms, one of which is known by the lovely name of marshal-by-bleed. This simply means that pointers from multiple AppDomains actually refer to the same location in memory. Most of the time some form of marshaling is required for objects so that we can safely isolate separate AppDomains from one another.
In managed code, you can lock on any object through the Monitor type, exposed in C# and VB via the ‘lock’ and ‘SyncLock’ keywords, respectively. The implementation of Monitor.Enter/Exit uses space in the object header and/or the object’s sync-block to record exclusive ownership of the lock. The fact that objects typically don’t bleed across AppDomains is a GoodThing(tm), as this is how add-ins, SQL Server, and other hosts isolate failures between components. When writing code, we typically assume state in one AppDomain can’t corrupt state in another, totally independent, AppDomain.
Unfortunately, domain neutral Type objects (as well as other Reflection types, e.g. XXInfos) are actually shared across all AppDomains in the process. They are marshal-by-bleed. Strings also fall into this camp. A string argument to a remoted MarshalByRefObject method invocation may be bled, as can be any process-wide interned string literal. The System.Threading.Thread object (called the thread-base-object, aka TBO, internally) also bleeds across AppDomains. What a bloody mess! (Ha ha.)
So why does this all matter?!
Recall that lock owner information is tied to the instance. If you use any of these things as a target of Monitor.Enter, code running in one AppDomain can actually interfere with code in another AppDomain. That’s because they are using the same object and thus the same lock information underneath. What a lousy abstraction–this was never meant to leak through! And it can cause trouble too. If one AppDomain orphans the lock (forgets to release it), it may cause deadlocks in other AppDomains. Even sans deadlocks, this fact can simply yield false conflicts, which can subsequently negatively impact scalability.
For example, consider this code:
lock (typeof(object)) {
Code in AppDomain A uses the same Type object to represent ‘typeof(object)’ as code in AppDomain B. Therefore they share lock information.
If we run such code from multiple AppDomains, the code yields a conflict:
WaitHandle wh = new ManualResetEvent("XXX", false);
lock (typeof(object)) {
AppDomain ad2 = AppDomain.CreateDomain("2");
ad2.DoCallBack(delegate {
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
WaitHandle wh2 = new ManualResetEvent("XXX", false);
lock (typeof(object)) {
If one AppDomain is waiting for a synchronization event from another–as in this example–this can actually yield a deadlock. If you replaced the lock statements in this example with, say, lock (“Foo”) { … }, you’ll see the same result due to string literal interning.
Clearly this is nasty problem, especially if Framework code were to use such patterns. This is one reason you’ll notice we strongly discourage locking on Type objects. Even if you’re not in mscorlib (by default the only domain neutral assembly), your type can be loaded domain neutral based on hosting policy, among other things. And therefore you may not even catch said bugs during testing.
Note that MarshalByRefObjects aren’t subject to these problems. Although operations in one AppDomain can refer to the same instance in another, these accesses go through a proxy. Locking on the proxy is different than locking on the raw underlying object, and thus no false conflicts.
This is enforced with the DoNotLockOnObjectsWithWeakIdentity VSTS 2005 code analysis rule.
If all of this is making you feel rather queasy, fear not. We have a weekly “CLR Foundations” meeting where a large portion of the CLR Team meets to discuss the history of the CLR and .NET Framework. A couple weeks back this topic came up in passing. Most people on the team were quite surprised, and many even seemed to be enshrouded in disbelief. At least we can recognize a mistake after it’s been made. ;)