The primary reason a traditional thread pool doesn’t scale is that there’s a single work queue protected by a global lock. For obvious reasons, this can easily become a bottleneck. Two primary things contribute heavily to whether the global lock becomes a limiting factor for a particular workload’s throughput:
As the size of work items become smaller, the frequency at which the pool’s threads must acquire the global lock increases. Moving forward, we expect the granularity of latent parallelism to become smaller such that programs can scale as more processors are added.
As more processors are added, the arrival rate at the lock will increase when compared to the same workload run with fewer processors. This inherently limits the ability to “get more work through” that single straw that is the global queue.
For coarse-grained work items, and for small numbers of processors, these problems simply aren’t too great. That has been the CLR ThreadPool’s forte for quite some time; most work items range in the 1,000s to 10,000s (or more) of CPU cycles, and 8-processors was considered pushing the limits. Clearly the direction the whole industry is headed in exposes these fundamental flaws very quickly. We’d like to enable work items with 100s and 1,000s of cycles and must scale well beyond 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, … processors.
Decentralized scheduling techniques can be used to combat this problem. In other words, if we give different components their own work queues, we can eliminate the central bottleneck. This approach works to a degree but becomes complicated very quickly because clearly we don’t want each such queue to have its own pool of dedicated threads. So we’d need some way of multiplexing a very dynamic and comparatively large number of work pools onto a mostly-fixed and comparatively small number of OS threads.
Introducing work stealing
Another technique – and the main subject of this blog post – is to use a so-called work stealing queue (WSQ). A WSQ is a special kind of queue in that it has two ends, and allows lock-free pushes and pops from one end (“private”), but requires synchronization from the other end (“public”). When the queue is sufficiently small that private and public operations could conflict, synchronization is necessary. It is array-based and can grow dynamically. This data structure was made famous in the 90’s when much work on dynamic work scheduling was done in the research community.
In the context of a thread pool, the WSQ can augment the traditional global queue to enable more efficient private queuing and dequeuing. It works roughly as follows:
We still have a global queue protected by a global lock.
(We can of course consider the ability to have separate pools to reduce pressure on this.)
Each thread in the pool has its own private WSQ.
When work is queued from a pool thread, the work goes into the WSQ, avoiding all locking.
When work is queued from a non-pool thread, it goes into the global queue.
When threads are looking for work, they can have a preferred search order:
Check the local WSQ. Work here can be dequeued without locks.
Check the global queue. Work here must be dequeued using locks.
Check other threads’ WSQs. This is called “stealing”, and requires locks.
If you haven’t guessed, this is by-and-large how the Task Parallel Library (TPL) schedules work.
For workloads that recursively queue a lot of work, the use of a per-thread WSQ substantially reduces the synchronization necessary to complete the work, leading to far better throughput. There are also fewer cache effects due to sharing of the global queue information. “Stealing” is our last course of action in the abovementioned search logic, because it has the secondary effect of causing another thread to have to visit the global queue (or steal) sooner. In some sense, it is double the cost of merely getting an item from the global queue.
Another (subtle) aspect of WSQs is that they are LIFO for private operations and FIFO for steals. This is inherent in how the WSQ’s synchronization works (and is key to enabling lock-freedom), but has additional rationale:
By executing the work most recently pushed into the queue in LIFO order, chances are that memory associated with it will still be hot in the cache.
By stealing in FIFO order, chances are that a larger “chunk” of work will be stolen (possibly reducing the chance of needing additional steals). The reason for this is that many work stealing workloads are divide-and-conquer in nature; in such cases, the recursion forms a tree, and the oldest items in the queue lie closer to the root; hence, stealing one of those implicitly also steals a (potentially) large subtree of computations that will unfold once that piece of work is stolen and run.
This decision clearly changes the regular order of execution when compared to a mostly-FIFO system, and is the reason we’re contemplating exposing options to control this behavior from TPL.
A simple WorkStealingQueue<T> type
With all that background behind us, let’s jump straight into a really simple implementation of a work stealing queue written in C#.
public class WorkStealingQueue<T>
The queue is array-based, and we keep two indexes: a head and a tail. The tail represents the private end and the head represents the public end. We also maintain a mask that is always equal to the size of the list minus one, helping with some of the bounds-checking arithmetic and handling automatic wraparound for indexing into the array. Because of the way we use the mask (we will assume all legal bits for indexing into the list are on), the count must always be a power of two. We arbitrarily select the number 32 as the queues initial (power of two) size.
private const int INITIAL_SIZE = 32;
private T[] m_array = new T[INITIAL_SIZE];
private int m_mask = INITIAL_SIZE - 1;
private volatile int m_headIndex = 0;
private volatile int m_tailIndex = 0;
We also need a lock to protect the operations that require synchronization.
private object m_foreignLock = new object();
Although they aren’t exercised very much in the code, we have some helper properties. The queue is empty when the head is equal to or greater than the tail, and the count can be computed by subtracting the head from the tail. Because these fields never wrap (because we use the mask), this is correct.
public bool IsEmpty
get { return m_headIndex >= m_tailIndex; }
public int Count
get { return m_tailIndex - m_headIndex; }
OK, let’s get into the meat of the implementation. Pushing is the obvious place to start, and, for obvious reasons, we only support private pushes. Public pushes are useless given the protocol explained above, i.e., the only public operation we will support is stealing. Keep in mind when reading this code that m_tailIndex and m_headIndex are both volatile variables.
public void LocalPush(T obj)
int tail = m_tailIndex;
First we must check whether there is room in the queue. To do so, we just see if m_tailIndex is less than the sum of m_mask (the size of the list minus one) and m_headIndex. False negatives are OK, and are certainly possible because a concurrent steal may come along and take an element, making room, immediately after the check. We will handle this by synchronizing in a moment.
if (tail < m_headIndex + m_mask) {
If there is indeed room, we can merely stick the object into the array (masking m_tailIndex with m_mask to ensure we’re within the legal range) and then increment m_tailIndex by one. This may look unsafe, but it is in fact safe: writes retire in order in .NET’s memory model, and we know no other thread is changing m_tailIndex (only private operations write to it) and that no thread will try to access the current array slot into which we’re storing the element.
m_array[tail & m_mask] = obj;
m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
Otherwise, we need to head down the slow path which involves resizing.
We will take the lock and check that we still need to make room.
lock (m_foreignLock)
int head = m_headIndex;
int count = m_tailIndex - m_headIndex;
if (count >= m\_mask) {
Assuming we need to make more room, we will just double the size of the array, copy elements, fix up the fields, and move on. Remember that the array length is always a power of two, so we can get the next power of two by simply bitshifting to the left by one. We do that for the mask too, but need to remember to “turn on” the least significant bit by oring one into the mask.
T[] newArray = new T[m_array.Length << 1];
for (int i = 0; i < m_array.Length; i++) {
newArray[i] = m_array[(i + head) & m_mask];
m_array = newArray;
// Reset the field values, incl. the mask.
m_headIndex = 0;
m_tailIndex = tail = count;
m_mask = (m_mask << 1) | 1;
After we’re done resizing, the m_headIndex is reset to 0, and the m_tailIndex is the previous size of the queue. We can then store into the queue in same way we would have earlier.
m_array[tail & m_mask] = obj;
m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
And that’s that: we’ve added an item into the queue with a local push. Now let’s look at the reverse: removing an element with a local pop. Remember, it’s impossible for a local push and pop to interleave with one another because they must be executed by the same thread serially.
public bool LocalPop(ref T obj)
First we read the current value of m_tailIndex. If the queue is currently empty, i.e., m_headIndex >= m_tailIndex, then we just return false right away. This is how “emptiness” is conveyed to callers.
int tail = m_tailIndex;
if (m_headIndex >= tail) {
return false;
Now we have determined there is at least one element in the queue (or was during our previous check). We will now subtract one from the tail, which effectively removes the element. There is still a chance that we will “lose” in a race with another thread doing a steal, so we’ll need to be very careful. In fact, there is a subtle .NET memory model gotcha to be aware of: we must guarantee our write to take the element does not get trapped in the write buffer beyond a subsequent read of the m_headIndex. If that could happen, we might mistakenly think we took the element, while at the same time a stealing thread thought it took the same element! The result would be that the same item will be dequeued by two threads which could lead to disaster. In a thread pool, it’d amount to the same work item being run twice. To ensure this reordering can’t happen, we must use a XCHG to perform the write to m_tailIndex.
tail -= 1;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_tailIndex, tail);
We detect whether we lost the race by checking to see if our dequeuing of the element has made the queue empty. If it hasn’t, we can just read the array element in the new m_tailIndex position and return it.
if (m_headIndex <= tail) {
obj = m_array[tail & m_mask];
return true;
else {
Otherwise, we take the lock and see what to do. This blocks out all steals. Either we will find that there indeed is an element remaining, and we can just return it as we would have done above, or we must “put the element back” by just incrementing the m_tailIndex. If we have to back out our modification, we just return false to indicate that the queue has become empty. We know we aren’t racing with it becoming non-empty because only private pushes are supported.
lock (m_foreignLock) {
if (m_headIndex <= tail) {
// Element still available. Take it.
obj = m_array[tail & m_mask];
return true;
else {
// We lost the race, element was stolen, restore the tail.
m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
return false;
Lastly, let’s take a look at the public pop capability. We allow a timeout to be supplied, because it’s often useful during the stealing logic to use a 0-timeout on the first pass through all the WSQs. This can help to eliminate lock wait times and more evenly distribute contention across the list of WSQs.
private bool TrySteal(ref T obj, int millisecondsTimeout)
First we acquire the WSQ’s lock, ensuring mutual exclusion among all other concurrent steals, resize operations, and local pops that may make the queue empty.
bool taken = false;
try {
taken = Monitor.TryEnter(m_foreignLock, millisecondsTimeout);
if (taken) {
Once inside the lock, we must increment m_headIndex by one. This moves the head towards the tail, and has the effect of taking an element. Now this part gets quite tricky. We must ensure that we don’t remove the last element when racing with a local pop that went down its fast path (i.e., it didn’t acquire the lock). Given two threads racing to take an element—a steal and a local pop—we must ensure precisely one of them “wins”. Having both succeed will lead to the same element being popped twice, and having neither succeed could lead to reporting back an empty queue when in fact an element exists.
To do that, we will write to the m_headIndex variable to tentatively take the element, and must then read the m_tailIndex right afterward to ensure that the queue is still non-empty. As with the pop logic earlier, we need to use an XCHG operation to write the m_headIndex field, otherwise we will potentially suffer from a similar legal memory reordering bug.
int head = m_headIndex;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_headIndex, head + 1);
If the queue is non-empty, we just read the element as we usually do: by indexing into the array with the new m_headIndex value using the proper masking. We then return true to indicate an element was found.
if (head < m_tailIndex) {
obj = m_array[head & m_mask];
return true;
Otherwise, the queue is empty and we must return. Clearly this is racy and by the time we return the queue may be non-empty. If the pool will subsequently wait for work to arrive, this must be taken into consideration so as not to incur lost wake-ups.
else {
m_headIndex = head;
return false;
We of course need to release the lock at the end of it all.
finally {
if (taken) {
return false;
And that’s it! As with most lock-free algorithms, the core idea is surprisingly simple but deceptively subtle and intricate. After seeing it written out and explained in detail, I hope that you’ll have that “Ah hah!” moment that always happens after staring at this kind of code for a little while. In future posts, we’ll take a closer look at the performance differences between this and a traditional globally synchronized queue, and discuss what it takes to merge the two ideas implementation-wise.
For reference, here’s the full code without all the explanation intertwined:
using System;
using System.Threading;
public class WorkStealingQueue<T>
private const int INITIAL_SIZE = 32;
private T[] m_array = new T[INITIAL_SIZE];
private int m_mask = INITIAL_SIZE - 1;
private volatile int m_headIndex = 0;
private volatile int m_tailIndex = 0;
private object m_foreignLock = new object();
public bool IsEmpty
get { return m_headIndex >= m_tailIndex; }
public int Count
get { return m_tailIndex - m_headIndex; }
public void LocalPush(T obj)
int tail = m_tailIndex;
if (tail < m_headIndex + m_mask) {
m_array[tail & m_mask] = obj;
m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
else {
lock (m_foreignLock) {
int head = m_headIndex;
int count = m_tailIndex - m_headIndex;
if (count >= m_mask) {
T[] newArray = new T[m_array.Length << 1];
for (int i = 0; i < m_array.Length; i++) {
newArray[i] = m_array[(i + head) & m_mask];
m_array = newArray;
// Reset the field values, incl. the mask.
m_headIndex = 0;
m_tailIndex = tail = count;
m_mask = (m_mask << 1) | 1;
m_array[tail & m_mask] = obj;
m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
public bool LocalPop(ref T obj)
int tail = m_tailIndex;
if (m_headIndex >= tail) {
return false;
tail -= 1;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_tailIndex, tail);
if (m_headIndex <= tail) {
obj = m_array[tail & m_mask];
return true;
else {
lock (m_foreignLock) {
if (m_headIndex <= tail) {
// Element still available. Take it.
obj = m_array[tail & m_mask];
return true;
else {
// We lost the race, element was stolen, restore the tail.
m_tailIndex = tail + 1;
return false;
private bool TrySteal(ref T obj, int millisecondsTimeout)
bool taken = false;
try {
taken = Monitor.TryEnter(m_foreignLock, millisecondsTimeout);
if (taken) {
int head = m_headIndex;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_headIndex, head + 1);
if (head < m_tailIndex) {
obj = m_array[head & m_mask];
return true;
else {
m_headIndex = head;
return false;
finally {
if (taken) {
return false;